This is a chronic pain condition caused by the irritation and compression of the occipital nerves. Patients will present with shooting/electric pain at the back of the head. Nerve blocks may be used to aid the diagnosis as well as in management. Oral treatments including anti epileptics are commonly used and in those refractory to treatment surgical options may be explored.
The pain can be bilateral (both sides of the head) and/or unilateral (one side). The pain can also be isolated to the front and/or back of the head. The pain can be intermittent but it can often become chronic. It is generally a diagnosis of exclusion and nerve blocks may be used to aid the diagnosis. However, nerve blocks can be helpful in several other headache types. Often people with ON described the pain as travelling from the back of the head to the front. They can experience a throbbing pain at the base of the skull or a burning pain throughout the head. They will described electric shock and shooting pains in the head. They may also experience migrainous features such as light and sound sensitivity.
Treatment options include nerve blocks, such as greater occipital nerve blocks, which can be used as a diagnostic tool and a form of treatment. If effective, relief will be felt from weeks to several months. Occasionally multiple rounds of injections are needed before relief is achieved and others may need continuous treatment. Surgical options including radiofrequency ablation, decompressive surgery and occipital nerve stimulation are done occasionally following multidisciplinary review in specialist centres.
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