This is a rare disorder that presents with electric shock, stabbing pain on one side of the head or face. It comes under the Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgia classification and is distinguished from the other conditions based on the duration and frequency of attacks. There are several different treatment options including oral preventatives, Botox and surgical options for those unresponsive to other treatments.
It is associated with moderate to severe attacks lasting seconds to minutes with longer attacks being characterise by multiple stabs or a saw-tooth pattern. It is associated with several features including watering and or redness of the eye, nasal running and or congestion. When associated with conjunctival injection (red eye) and tearing it is called SUNCT. Patients can generally experience several attacks per hour during the day, but hardly any at night.
This is a pain condition affecting the trigeminal nerve. Imaging may be carried out to look for contact between the nerve and the artery which may account for the symptoms.
There are a variety of treatment options. These include oral treatments such as antidepressants and antiepileptics as well as injections, including Botox, and surgical options such as radio frequency ablation, neurolysis and microvascular decompression.
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